St. Vincent de Paul provides assistance to those in need.
To secure assistance, please call 734-455-5910 ext. 112 and leave a message. Someone will return your call promptly.
AA meets at St. John Neumann every Wednesday at 8pm
Four million Americans are afflicted with Alzheimer’s Disease. Do you have a parent, spouse, or loved one affected by this dreaded disease? Need facts or an understanding ear to listen? Come to the next Memory Loss Support Group meeting on the third Thursday of the month at 7:30PM.
Facilitator Rosemarie Shim, social worker and parishioner, has 14 years of experience working with Alzheimer patients and their families. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Rosemarie at 734-981-0556.
What exactly is Grief Support? It’s an opportunity to talk about your loss, to express your grief, ask questions, and receive support through your grieving process. It is for people who have lost someone special in their lives. All are welcome regardless of church affiliation.
To setup an appointment, please contact the Parish Office at 734-455-5910.
Webpage Champion: Fr. Mak Livingston
This Webpage was last updated on 4/27/19 @ 11:20 am.