An intercessory prayer group is a very important part of any parish. It functions as a spiritual support to our priests and deacons, as well as lifting up in prayer all of those who are members of the parish.
The intercessory prayer group at SJN has a very special role to play. In Unleash the Gospel, Archbishop Vigneron charges all parishes to have a prayer and intercessory team to "pray for the mission of the parish and intentions from the leadership team and to provide ongoing prayer support to that team."
St. John Neumann has had an active Intercessory Prayer Group for several years. New members are invited. Many pose the question, "How can we evangelize?" This is one response: "Pray."
Come and be part of this team that meets once each month on the First Tuesday of the month in the Chapel at 7:00 PM to specifically to pray together and then pray daily on our own. Prayer is life changing for the pray-er just as it may change the life of the person for whom prayer is offered.
Interested in finding out more about our team?
Contact: Betty Nolan at [email protected]
St. Monica prayed persistently for her way-ward son, Augustine.
After years of prayer, her son was canonized a saint and a doctor of the church. The SJN St. Monica Ministry meets monthly on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM to not only learn about St. Monica and her prayer model, but also to pray with, and for each other. They also attend First Saturday morning Mass where their special intentions are placed on the altar. Contact Laurie Manery at [email protected] for more information.
Please join us!
This year we are reading "The Sain t Monica Club" by Maggie Green.
The Power of Prayer knows no bounds!
The Saint John Neumann Prayer Team volunteers have encountered Jesus in a very special way. We have strong faith in the healing power of Jesus and we want to share the gift of faith and hope with each of you. If you or a family member is ill, has lost a job, or has any problem or concern, meet us at the Grotto and we can pray for you right then and there.
We will pray with you, one on one, in the Marian Grotto on the second Sunday of each month, after the all the morning Masses.
Everything you say is confidential. Most people say they feel the power of the prayer and are reassured that God is in control and He cares about them.
The Secret is simple!
We pray!
If you have any questions, contact Maryna Miranda at [email protected]
(Take a moment to pray this prayer each day!)
Do you believe that I am the Son of God?
And do you believe that I died for all men
and women and that I rose from the dead?
Then why do you continue to be distracted
and anxious about your loved ones?
Do they not also belong to Me?
Would I refuse to work in their lives
just as I work in yours?
I have not put you in charge of
redeeming them.
I have already done that.
Nor do you have the power to
change their hearts;
Only My Holy Spirit searches
And know the deepest
Hearst of men and women,
and only He can heal their deepest wounds.
Your task is to love, to forgive, to pray for them and to turn them over to Me
Come closer to Me yourself,
And I will do the rest.