Little Angels Childcare
at the 10:30 AM Mass ONLY!
Families with toddlers, we want to enhance your
Sunday morning Mass experience!
Childcare will be provided weekly for children
ages 1-5 during the 10:30 AM Mass.
Drop-off begins at 10:00 AM in the John XXIII Rooms.
Pick up will be immediately following Mass.
We will have an adult staff member and both adult and teen volunteers
supervising the children while the parents attend Mass.
Parents cannot leave
the building and must sign in with contact
information in case of an emergency or diaper change.
If you have any questions,
please contact Mary Alice Hurst at [email protected] or Jahna Hennika [email protected] or call 734-455-5910 Ext. 103
Adult and teen volunteers always needed.
Please contact us if you are interested.
What is Family Ministry?
St. John Neumann Family Ministry is currently made up of two main programs: Pray and Play and Monthly Family Ministry Events. The purpose of this ministry is to welcome families of all ages to begin to encounter Christ by inviting them to join together with other families to help each member of the family grow to become life-long disciples of Christ.
Pray and Play is a program for parents (grandparents, aunts, uncles) and their children (grandchildren, nieces, nephews) to come to pray together at 9:00 AM daily mass and then move to the gym area to play together for about an hour each week. A small snack, coloring sheets, toys, and a craft are available for all to work on. This time is very popular with both the adults and children as they are able to come together to make new friends as well as welcoming children to Mass at an early age. Most Thursday mornings. See the Church calendar for exact dates. Open to children of all ages. Please join us and bring a friend!
Monthly Family Ministry Events are open to all families to come together to have a small meal, a movie or a presentation by the priest/deacon, and do a craft or service project for someone in the community. These events are a wonderful way for the whole family to get out and visit with others their own ages. Families are able to work on service projects as a family to teach the kids to love and care for each other as well as members of the community. Please see the Family Ministry Events Tab to see when the event details.
For questions or information on how to become a part of the SJN Family Ministry Team, please contact Mary Alice Hurst at 734-455-5910 Ext. 115 or [email protected]